Kitchen waste & sustainability


Setting your kitchen up to succeed.

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Okay, so we all know that climate change is a big deal. With global warming at the front of our minds, it’s now more vital than ever to adapt our homes to changing lifestyles. With everyone doing their bit to live more consciously and sustainably, we want to work our wizardry to help make it easier.

So let’s talk about garbage. Yes, you heard us right.

Let’s face it, most of our rubbish comes from the kitchen. Cooking, prepping, and unboxing all add up - so it’s important that we do what we can to minimise our impact. Undoubtedly, you’ve gotten into the recycling groove, but there’s so much more that can be done (and simply) if you’re set up the right way.

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Have you ever just thrown something away that deep down you knew should have been recycled? Just because it was more convenient to do so? If you haven’t, we salute you.

If you have, we understand your pain.

Recycling and knowing exactly what goes where can be confusing at the best of times, and if you don’t have your kitchen set up to help you, it’s easy to let bad habits creep in.

The point is, if your kitchen is configured to efficiently dispose of waste, there’s no second guessing or tossing rubbish where it’s convenient… because it’s all convenient! And better yet, it’s where it should be.

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All hail the bins! They may not feel like the sexiest choice of kitchen appliance, but they’re definitely the most used. So pick wisely.

We are sharing some of our winning go-to’s of the waste disposal world and our favourite under sink storage solutions (that’ll make Marie Kondo green with envy).

We’ll also be digging into the dos and don’ts of recycling in the Bayside area, so you can freely (and confidently) throw things away - without a guilty conscience.

The Smooth Operator.

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Hailo - Euro Cargo ST60 (full).jpg

If you have space in your kitchen for a dedicated waste drawer, then the Hafele Hailo Euro Cargo ST60 is the way to go. The 60 stands for a 600mm carcass width and inside it has four pails for maximum organisation. The lid is ingenious. It remains inside for a handy shelf when the drawer releases. Opening at bench height, it saves any tricky bending down and with a simple flick of the wrist, any crummage can be wiped from benchtop to bin in one clean swoosh. The Hafele Hailo Euro Cargo ST45 is also a popular choice for a 450mm carcass with two pails, instead of four.

Couple it with one of our favourite features, the Blum Servo Drive push to open drawer system, to give you the smartest of kitchens. Just a tap of the knee and your bin will open up like magic. Say goodbye to those pesky avocado fingerprints.

Compact and convenient.

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If you are limited on space the Hafele One2Four is perfect for an under sink bin solution. With space for different sized pails, it has oodles of variations. Despite being compact with less depth than the Euro Cargo, you can mix and match to create a bespoke system that suits your space – and fits like a glove. Voila, no more recycling mishaps.

The Hafele One2Five (pictured first) is another option if you have enough space for a bin drawer, but would also like an additional shelf or drawer above or below for extra kitchen storage.

Out of sight, out of mind.

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Base Cabinet - Portero Set III - Kesseböhmer.jpg

Keeping loose cleaning equipment and utilities in your under sink cupboard can often end in a chaotic pile of “stuff”. Storage solutions are key. Shelves are the most common, especially when you have hot water filters and systems under your sink. If you want handy movable shelving,  Hafele Kesseböhmer Portero Cleaning-Agent pull out is the way to go. It has swivel baskets and portable sections to bring out your cleaning equipment whenever you need. Sponges have never been more accessible to keep things spick and span.

It’s a little-known fact that you can have drawers for under sink storage. Similar to a vanity, the drawers can fit around your plumbing, creating tons of room for all your kitchen essentials (plus odds and ends). Keeping things in the right place helps create a space that is functional and works cohesively. It also just feels good to know that everything is where it should be.

So, our storage is sorted. Now where does it all go?

Recycling can be tricky. Often you pop things in the bin and then, as you’re walking away, second guess yourself. Perhaps, like us, you’re even guilty of standing in front of rainbow-coloured bins and moving your hand back and forth, waiting for inspiration to strike. 
The rule of thumb is that “scrunchable” things shouldn’t go in recycling, but what does that mean? How scrunchable is scrunchable and what materials are they talking about? 

Fear not. We did some digging to find out more.

It’s time to wipe the slate clean and bring on some good habits with the golden dos and don’ts of recycling in the Bayside City Council area:

The Do's

✔ Check the bottom of plastic containers for a number 1-7, you’ll most often see a number 5 meaning safe for the blue recycling bin. Everything except number 6 is good to recycle.
✔ Place items loosely in your recycling bin.
✔ Scrunch aluminum foil into a golf ball size.
✔ Empty out any leftover food (but don’t worry about rinsing).
✔ Leave the lid and labels on your recycling (it’s totally fine).
✔ Put food waste in a compostable AS4736 bag or wrapped in newspaper to prevent smells.

The Don’ts

✘ Put recyclable items in plastic bags.
✘ Put soft plastic in recycling. If it screws up into a loose ball then it can’t be recycled.
✘ Put e-waste in your bins. Instead, take it to an e-waste collection point, such as the Bayside Waste and Recycling Centre, 144 Talinga Road, Cheltenham.

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Which bin is which?

LIGHT GREEN LID: Food and Green Waste

✔ Meat scraps and bones
✔ Fruit and vegetable scraps
✔ Weeds, flowers, grass and garden pruning’s

A word on compostable bags…
✔ It’s optional - you can also put food waste directly into your bin, or wrap it in sheets of newspaper
✔ Compostable bags must be labelled with the AS4736 (Australian Standard)
✔ Pick up 150 bags for under $10 at the Bayside City Council or Multix Greener Compostable Bags are also readily available at your local supermarket

BLUE LID: Recycling

✔ Aluminium foil and cans, steel cans and trays
✔ Glass bottles and jars
✔ Paper and cardboard
✔ Plastics numbered 1-7 (except for expanded polystyrene/styrofoam - labelled '6')

DARK GREEN LID: General Waste, Landfill

✔ Plastic bags and other soft plastics (can also be taken to major supermarkets, Bayside City Council and Beaumaris Library)
✔ Broken drinking or window glass
✔ Broken pyrex and ceramics
✔ Cigarette butts
✔ Dog and cat droppings and kitty litter
✔ Glossy, waxed or coated paper
✔ Icy pole sticks
✔ Nappies
✔ Face masks (snip the ear bands)
✔ Plastic, biodegradable or compostable cutlery and plates
✔ Polystyrene
✔ Sticky labels off fruit and vegetables
✔ Takeaway coffee cups and lids (including biodegradable or compostable)
✔ Tetra Pak cartons (long-life milk, juice and various other liquids)
✔ Vacuum dust


Recycling correctly and efficiently can seem complicated. But if you set yourself up for a win at the beginning, you’re bound to get it right. Just follow the easy tips we’ve mentioned in our article to get into your sustainable groove. Please also check your local council's recycling advice, and visit for more helpful hints.

Life is busy, often hectic, and so creating a system that works for you is so important. When it comes to kitchens, make sure your rubbish system matches your layout to create an environment that helps you recycle in the right way – and most importantly? Makes it easy.

We cover all this in our design consultations, because at Wood Wizards we understand the importance of making a kitchen unique to you, working in harmony with your routines and lifestyle.

Ready to make a change? That’s where we come in. When you create a kitchen with us, we work with you through each step of the process, ready to answer your questions and inspire design choices.

We're always here to help, so give us a call on 9557 2988 and let's get started.